Essential jobs, remote work and digital surveillance: Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic panopticon

An unprecedented COVID-19-induced explosion in digital surveillance has reconfigured power relationships in professional settings. This article critically concentrates on the interplay between technology-enabled intrusive monitoring and the augmentation of managerial …

Guía de orientaciones de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo frente a la COVID-19 para personas empleadoras y trabajadoras del hogar

“La pandemia originada por la COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto sin precedentes en el mundo laboral. En este contexto, uno de los sectores más afectados ha sido el del trabajo …

US: Almost no laws protect workers from secret employer surveillance. A California bill would fix that

“The scope of workplace surveillance exploded during the pandemic as millions of workers turned their homes into offices. Some managers, accustomed to keeping tabs on their employees by walking past …

US: The Workplace Technology Accountability Bill

Here is the text of the Bill to regulate employer surveillance of workers in California:

Long-term care is in crisis; building worker power is the solution

“If these two pandemic years have felt long to you, imagine what it was like for the hundreds of thousands of long-term care workers when Covid hit in nursing homes …

Decálogo para una agenda laboral 2022-2026. Prioridades para legislar aspectos laborales en Colombia

ILAW Network en alianza con la Friedrich Ebert Stiftung en Colombia y el Observatorio Laboral de la Universidad del Rosario, proponen un “Decálogo para una agenda laboral 2022-2026” Decálogo Laboral. …

ILO adopts a revised code of practice on safety and health in construction

More than 229 million construction workers around the globe may benefit from a revised and updated code of practice on safety and health, adopted by International Labour Organization (ILO) experts …

Supreme Court Blocks OSHA Standard, Leaves Workers Without COVID-19 Protection

“The justices fail to understand that workers — almost every worker — is at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 in the workplace than the average American. The Supreme Court, in …

US: National Federation of Independent Business v. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration

This is the full decision from the US Supreme Court blocking vaccine mandates for large employers. US Supreme Court Decision on Vaccine Mandates by OSHA

Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s Virus Mandate for Large Employers

But the justices allowed a vaccination requirement for health care workers at facilities that receive federal money. The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a vaccine-or-testing mandate …